2020 China Brand Online Fair
Allicin powder 25%

Allicin powder 25%

Allicin powder

Main target market:
Asia, Middle East
Minimum order quantity :
Collection of exhibits

Exhibit parameters

  • Exhibit code:SN009927
  • Size of exhibits(mm):
  • Model of exhibits:25%
  • Materials of exhibits:
  • Color of exhibits:white
  • Place of delivery:China-HE BEI -CANG ZHOU
  • Raw material production place:China-HE BEI -CANG ZHOU
  • Features of exhibits:

Details of exhibits

Allicin powder applied in feed additive field, Garlic powder is mainly used in feed additive

for developing the poultry and fishes against the disease and promoting growth

and improving the flavor of egg and meat. The product shows a non-drug resistant,

non-residual feature and no withholding period. It belongs to a kind of non-antibiotic feed

additive, so it can be instead of antibiotics to be used in compound feed at all times.



1. Prohibiting and killing harmful germs. It is very good for prohibiting and killing harmful

   bacteria, such as E.coli, Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, and dysentery


2. Stimulating animal's appetite. The fragrant of garlic stimulates animal's appetite.

   The secretion of gastric juice and vermiculation of stomach and intestine can be

   improved. Thus accelerate the growth of the animal and heighten the feed reward.

3. Detoxicate and keep healthy. It may lower the poisonous substance as mercury,

   cyanide and nitrite. The animal will be healthier with bright shiny fur and disease

   resistance enhanced, survival rate increased, after feeding for some time.

4. Resisting moulds and insects. Various moulds can be wiped out and fly and maggot

   killed efficiently. Sanitary environment be kept and feed material kept longer.

5. Improved the quality of meat, milk and eggs obviously. These products taste more


6. Specially good effect for festered gill, reddish skin, bleed and enteritis caused by

   various infection.

7. Reducing cholesterol. It can reduce the activity of a-cholesterol hydroxyls, thus lower

   the cholesterol content within serum, yolk and liver.

8. It is a refill of antibiotic as well as the best additive for producing nuisance free fodder.

9. Suitable for poultry, fish, shrimp, crab, and turtle